Health Checkups

Health Checkups
- Doctors consultation and full medical examination
- Blood tests
- Complete Haemogram (hb, TLC, DLR, ESR, Haemotocrit, Peripheral Smear)
- Blood group (ABO, RH)
- Blood Sugar
- Blood Urea
- Serum Uric Acid
- Serum Creatinine
- Serum Cholesterol
- Lipid Profile
- Urine and Faeces Exmimation
- X-Ray Chest PA
- Exercise Stress Test (TMT)
- 2D Echo to assess heart pumping capacity
- Coronary Risk Markers - Apo A & Apo B (precise indicators of risk of coronary artery disease), and Lpa (genetic predictor of heart attack).
- Cancer Risk Markers - PSA for prostate cancer in males & CA 125 for ovarian cancer in females.
- Carotid Colour Doppler - the best predictor of Stroke & Brain hemorrhage, which may result in paralysis).
- Complete Blood Count
- Calcium
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Digital X-ray
- Lumbar Spine AP & L
- DEXA Spine
- MRI L-Spine
- Stress Screening by Psychologist
- Eye Examination
- Gynaecologist Consultation and Pap Smear Test
- Optional Test
- Ultrasound Screening for the Abdomen
- ENT Examination
- Screening for Liver Disease
- Screening for Thyroid Disease
- Hepatitis B Screening to Assess Immunity and for Detection of Carriers.
- A test for AIDS can also be requested
- Screening for Kidney Disease
- Serum Cholesterol
- Lipid Profile
- Post Check-up consulation
Health checkup packages in India
- Why should I choose Health Tour India over other destinations?
- The core idea behind the progeny of medical tourism was to enable people get good quality treatment at affordable rates in another country, as the facilities were either too expensive or absent in their homeland. Health Tour in India is a blend of both these missing qualities and serves the purpose.
- Why is the Forerunners Healthcare Consultants class health tour in India?
- Forerunners Healthcare provides best possible medical care for almost all kinds of health conditions at affordable rates, in India, and the executives are quick to extend help.
- Why has health tour in India grown so popular?
- India is rich in excellent medical treatments and low costs of living make them reachable. World-class facilities at affordable rates is what patients look for, and which is what we provide, making us popular.
- Is the Healthcare tourism company in India well equipped & of international standards?
- Yes. Forerunners Healthcare ranks among the best ones across the world and our experts are extensively skilled. Our hospitals have all the latest medical infrastructure to meet patients' need.
- Does Forerunners Healthcare Provide Everything About health tour India?
- Forerunners Healthcare is synonymous with health tour in India. We represent the best and most sought-after medical treatment facilities within the reach of common man.