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Relief from Years Long Discomfort and Back Pain Minimally Invasively
Mrs. Patience , Nigeria
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
“Living with spine defects can be devastating, watching your loved one going through such misery day after day, breaks your heart and you want to do everything in your will to make it go away”
“Hello I’m Patience from Nigeria. I came to India as a medical attendant with my friend Mrs. Comfort Wihioka. Comfort always thought her spine pain as a low level annoyance but never a serious issue. We knew that this ‘annoyance’ will eventually become a big problem, but we never imagined it would be too soon until her lower back started hurting after she twisted it at a party. At first we thought that it will go away eventually! But soon it became matter of a grave concern when the twist pain continued 20 days straight even after a week of physical therapy.”
“After that episode the degree of pain started exceeding with each episode. I just couldn’t see her this way anymore, I took her to a local physician and he advised her MRI. The next day MRI identified the problem — the scan showed degenerative discs between two sets of vertebrae with and needed immediate surgical assistance. The idea of minimally invasive surgery and bone fusion scared her but she needed surgery to repair the discs and relieve the pressure and hence all her friends and family supported her to give this a shot. Soon we stared our search for affordable spine surgery hospitals and clinics.”
“I found that the cost in western countries was too high and some countries had low quality treatment. Through research, we found out about Forerunners Healthcare Consultants, medical tourism consultancy in India. We were a little hesitant at first but the people at Forerunners Healthcare explained all the treatment process and after reading the reviews of this consultancy I had decided to go ahead. When she shared her medical reports with coordinator in Forerunners Healthcare, the specialists advised a Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and a bone fusion to shore up the two compressed vertebrae, restore proper spacing, and prevent further problems.”
“When we came to India, we had many doubts and doctors answered them patiently and consoled me explaining everything. Even after surgery they took good care and were doing check-ups to see my condition. I would definitely recommend this Forerunners Healthcare to anyone needing medical help.”
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India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
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