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Relieving the Pain and Discomfort of Enlarged Prostate
Mr Jimmy Udoh Inyung, Nigeria
Prostate Surgery in India
Far beyond the Indian boundaries in Nigeria lived an old man Jimmy suffering from severe symptoms of enlarged prostate. The urgency to urinate and the difficulty experienced to urinate when go together it becomes a major cause of pain and discomfort. It sounds easy when speaking or mentioning in words, but when it comes to experience the symptoms it is truly unbearable.
Jimmy already tired of his age was struggling with the medical condition and wanted to get rid of it. He consulted a couple of doctors locally and all had just one cure for the same and that was – Surgery.
One fine day he came across one of his friends with whom he discussed his problems and requested to support him taking the right medical path. Jimmy’s friend started to browse the internet and search for competitive options. While browsing he came across the Forerunners Healthcare, a medical tourism company in India, and was quite impressed by the patient reviews. He further tried to go deep into learning about the medical tourism company. He shared the information with Jimmy and they decided to connect with the consultants in India.
They contacted them and their first impression was a warm and soothing experience. The personnel in connection gently asked Jimmy to send across all his reports so that the top most prostate surgeons of India can evaluate it. Few reputed doctors studied the reports and the responses with multiple recommendations were further shared with Jimmy. However, the common perspective of all doctors in India was TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) Surgery.
Jimmy made up his mind to go for surgery but at the age of 60, was bit worried and nervous to undergo a surgery. he had only a few discussions with the consultant but was able to make a wise judgment about the group. He collected the funds somehow and made a final decision to visit India for the enlarged prostate surgery.
The journey from Nigeria to India was well arranged and organized by the expert team of Forerunners. From airline tickets and visa applications to airport transfers and accommodation, everything was taken care by the group. Further, an appointment for consultation with the best prostate surgeon in India was taken. The moment Jimmy met the doctor who was supposed to do his surgery he was relaxed and calm. The doctor was generous and compassionate and left no stone unturned to clarify all the doubts and questions of Jimmy. He advised to have the surgery after two days and in the meanwhile certain physical examinations had to be done to ensure that the body was fit for an operation and healthy to handle the impact of anesthesia mainly spinal anesthesia.
The final date of surgery approached and the surgery took place for about an hour. The expert doctor flawlessly accomplished the operation and then post hospitalization of two days.
All through the surgery and during the time of post hospitalization, the team here was supportive and very generous in extending all sort of help required. He was closely motored and kept under observation for post TURP syndrome that is a major risk and possible side effect of the surgery. Even the complete cost of the enlarged prostate surgery was comparatively so low that it was not creating any sort financial burden.
Jimmy was then discharged with certain precautionary measures and advices for postoperative care. Today, Jimmy is living a painless life and we the team of Forerunners wish him a joyful and healthy life ahead.
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