Dr. Rajeev Agarwal
Medanta Breast Service
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Dr. Rajeev Agarwal
Dr Rajeev Agarwal is one of the senior most surgical oncologist & breast specialist in Delhi. He pioneered the practice of surgical oncology & concept of organ based specialization in oncology in northern India. He has a keen interest in breast conservation surgery, sentinel node biopsy & breast reconstruction.
Medical Qualification

M.B.B.S. GSVM Medical College Kanpur UP 1978
M. S. GSVM Medical College Kanpur UP 1982 ( Surgery)
Senior Resident Safdarjang Hospital N. Delhi 1983-1985 ( cancer Surgery)
Fellowship Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai 1985-1986 (surgical Oncology)
Department Institute
Medanta Breast Service
-Breast Conservation Surgery
-Sentinal node biopsy
-Managment of nonpalapble lumps
-Screening & prevention of breast cancer
Doctor's Experience
Medanta-the Medicity, Gurgaon October, 2013
( Director - breast Services)
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New delhi
( Senior Consultant- Surgical oncology) 2001-2013
Dharam shila cancer Hospital, Delhi 1994-2001
(Consultant-Surgical oncology)
Memberships & Certifications
Indian Society of Oncology
Association of Surgeons of India
Indian association of Palliative care
Indian Association of surgical Oncology
European Society of Medical Oncology( ESMO)
Awards & Accomplishments
An invited faculty in The International Conference on Palliative Care organized By Vatican, Rome & presented a paper on Palliative Care in Hindu Context on 12th Nov. 2004
'Completion Thyroidectomy for carcinoma Thyroid' Head & Neck Surgery May/June 1987.
'Carcinoma Cervix Presenting as Primary Breast cancer' Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 30:283-286, 1987.
'Breast Conservation Therapy in The Management of Early Breast Cancer' Hospital Today 1998 vol.3 no.12, 767-776.
Recent Advances in Oncology' C M J I 1998.
'Giant Sacral Ependymoma - Case Report' (accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology)
'Cancer of the Lung' a chapter in a book - Lecture Series in Geriatics, published by Health Care
Promotion Trust in the year 2000.Manuscript on 'Tumor Markers' for Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dept. of Academics in 2003
Primary prevention of breast cancer, a review article in The Ganga Ram Journal