Dr. K.K Handa
Division of ENT & Head Neck Surgery
Consultation Form
Dr. K.K Handa
Dr. K.K Handa is presently working as the Director, ENT and Head Neck Surgery. He has about 21 years experience in the specialty. Prior to this he was working as Associate Professor, Department of ENT, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He worked there as faculty member from 1996 to 2009. He is currently the President of Association of Phonosurgeons of India and was the founder Secretary of the same. He is among the foremost voice and laser surgeons in the country. His expertise includes head neck surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery, otology including cochlear implants, sleep medicine and robotic surgery.
Medical Qualification

DNB National Board of Examination, New Delhi 1994
M.N.A.M.S. National Medical Academy, New Delhi 1994
MS (ENT) PGIMER, Chandigarh 1993
Senior Residency PGIMER, Chandigarh 1993-199
MBBS AFMC, Pune 1984 - 1988
Department Institute
Division of ENT & Head Neck Surgery
Voice disorders
Head and Neck Surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Sleep medicine sialology
Skull base surgery
Cochlear implants
Doctor's Experienc
Medanta - The Medicity Director - ENT and Head Neck Surgery Since November, 2009
Dept of ENT AIIMS, New Delhi; Associate Professor 2003 - 2009
Commonwealth Fellowship in Lasers and Laryngology Royal Infirmary, Glasgow UK 2004
Dept of ENT, AIIMS New Delhi; Assistant Professor 1996 - 2003
Memberships & Certifications
President Association of Phonosurgeons of India
Past Vice President Association of Phonosurgeons of India
Founder Secretary Association of Phonosurgeons of India
Member Governing Body of Association of Otorhinolaryngologists of India 2002
Member Governing Body of Association of Otorhinolaryngologists of India 2009
Treasurer and past secretary Neurootological and Equilibrium Society of India
Medical Advisor Laryngectomy Club of India
Member Indian Society of Otology
Member Indian Society of Rhinology
Reviewer Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Member Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology
Awards & Accomplishments
Marquis World's Who's Who Work in field of ENT 2009
Kirti Gupta Oration Work in Phonosurgery 2009
Delivered NK Agarwal oration "Phonosurgery Past Present and Future Work in Phonosurgery 2008
First prize in Annual Conference of Association of Phonosurgeons of India held in Bhubaneswar For the best video presentation 2007
Dr R.D Kumar Oration Work in Laryngology 2006
President's Appreciation Award By IMA South Delhi branch for services rendered 2005
First prize for the video presentation Videostroboscopy For Jaiswal video competition at the Annual conference of Association of Otolaryngologists of India, Chandigarh 2001
Delivered Oration Phonosurgery Work in Phonosurgery 2001
British Academic Conference Fellowship For the BACO conference held in Cambridge, Great Britain 1996
AOI Travel Fellowship Outstanding ENT Surgeon 1995-96
Khosla Gold Medal For the paper on Sensorineural hearing loss in unsafe CSOM in children" at the AOI North chapter, Chandigarh 1995
Runners Up in the Annual Quiz For the North West zone AOI at AIIMS , New Delhi 1994
Silver Medal First Order in the MS (ENT) examination 1993
First prize At the SP Pamra Essay contest held by Delhi Medical Association 1989
How We do it: A technique for the orientation of endoscopically resected laryngeal specimens; Clinical Otolaryngology A technique for the orientation of endoscopically resected laryngeal lesions. Clin Otolaryngol. 2007 Jun;32(3):201-3 2007
Thyroxine replacement therapy reverses sleep-disordered breathing in patients with primary hypothyroidism. Sleep Med Jan;7(1):55-61. Epub 2005 Sep 28 2006
Prediction of obstructive sleep apnea in patients presenting to atertiary care center. Sleep Breath. 2006 Sep ; 10(3): 147-54. 2006
Validation of the modified Berlin questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Indian J Med Res . 2006 Sep ; 124(3) : 281-90. 2006
Malignant mesenchymal tumor arising from cherubism J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2004 Jun;62(6):744-9 2004
Preoperative diagnosis of allergic fungal sinusitis Laryngoscope 2003Apr: 113(4): 688-94 200
Extraanasopharyngeal angiofibroma arising from the nasal septum International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; 58, 163-166. 200
Fire during the use of Nd-Yag laser. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology ; 60 (2001), 239-242. 2001
Osteogenic sarcoma of the temporal bone American Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, vol 18, No 3 ; pp 220-223
fungal sinusitis ; clinicopathological characteristics Mycoses 1996 ; 39 ; 1-5. 1996
Sensorineural deafness in unsafe CSOM in the pediatric age group Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck surgery; 48(2) : 125-130. 1996