Dr. Jagannath Boramani
Qualification: MS - Ophthalmology
Consultant at: Surya Netralaya, Mumbai
Experience: 20 Years
Dr. Jagannath Boramani has a bright academic career and has never missed his rank in the University throughout his career. He has a phenomenal experience of working with the leading Eye Hospitals. Apart from this he has to his credit numerous scientific presentations in state as well as national conferences and has received awards for a few of them.
Specializations :
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Services :
- Anterior Segment Surgery
- Glaucoma Surgery
- Cataract Surgery
- Phacoemulsification
Awards and Recognitions :
- Best paper in P.G. section at MOS Conference in 1985 at Aurangabad
- Dr. Y. K. C. Pandit award at MOS conference in 2000 at Miraj
- Designed a new instrument 'Axe Chopper' for cataract surgery
- Innovation in Ophthalmic Practice Award at MOS conference in 2003 at Jalna
- Best Presentation Award at 2 nd Annual Conference of the IAOH, Thane-Raigad Branch in November 2003 at Vashi, Navi Mumbai
- Sante Vision Award (For the overall Best Paper presented at the Cataract Sessions) at Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society held in January 2004 at Varanasi.
- Authored a chapter in a book 'Clinical Practice in Small Incision Cataract Surgery' released in American Academy of Ophthalmology Conference in California, USA in November 2003.
- Surgeries have been included in educational CDs developed by a Pune based organization for all India distribution.
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Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537