Healthcare tourism in India gave me a new life with spine surgery
Mr. Sylvester Oputa, Nigeria
Multilevel Spine Stabilization Surgery
Hello my name is Mr. Sylvester Oputa, I'm from Nigeria. Healthcare tourism in India gave me a new life with spine surgery. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for all the work and arrangements that Forerunners Healthcare did for me so that I could have my much needed spine surgery in India quickly. I was very impressed by all of the hospital staff at the hospital in Mumbai especially my surgeon and his assistants. They were all wonderful and explained everything down to the detail of what they were going to do and then again afterwards, what had been done. The staff here was wonderful as well.
When I pushed my call button they were there immediately not like in Nigeria where one has to wait and wait for a nurse to come. We were very impressed to say the least! We were treated like celebrities during the whole stay in the hospital. It was an exciting experience for us and will never be forgotten. The best part of all this was that the cost of going to India to have my spine surgery was economical, the hotel and plane fare came to be less than one quarter of what it would have cost us in US or UK just to have the surgery.
Thank you
Mr. Sylvester Oputa
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Below are the downloadable links that will help you to plan your medical trip to India in a more organized and better way. Attached word and pdf files gives information that will help you to know India more and make your trip to India easy and memorable one.