1) What is Liver Transplant?
Liver transplant surgery is performed to remove the liver that fails to function and is replaced with a healthy liver of a live donor or cadaver donor. When liver can’t be controlled with medication and other treatment options then it becomes necessary to remove the damaged organ from the body. “said by Best Liver Transplant Surgeons in India”
Liver is the largest organ that performs various necessary functions like removing bacteria from the body, produce bile required for process of digestion in human body, and many more functions that are necessary for a healthy body and other organs to function properly. If liver fails to perform the necessary function then body can be at risk. So, doctors suggest liver transplant surgery in India as a last option to live.
2) What are the Conditions, that you may Need Liver Transplant?
Before proceeding to why liver transplant becomes a necessary option for you, let know about the condition or most common reasons for liver to fail.
- Primary Liver cancer such as hepatocellular carcinoma
- Liver failure or cirrhosis can be caused due to long-term alcohol abuse
- Chronic hepatitis, including hepatitis B and autoimmune hepatitis
- A history of tuberculosis and chronic infection like HIV
- Metabolic disorder
- Biliary atresia, a liver disease in newborn
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
3) What are the Symptoms, that I should look for?
When you will be suffering from severe liver disorders you may notice mentioned signs and symptoms like-
- Abdominal pain
- Ascites (abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdominal wall)
- Pedal Edema
- Yellowness of skin and eyes
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Chronic fatigue
- Pale colored stool
When these symptoms become more prominent and your disease comes to a level of end stage, liver transplant is advised. Also, your health care professionals will decide whether you will require liver transplant on an urgent basis or you can wait through a scoring system i.e. Model for end stage liver disease for adults and same for pediatric ones. The higher the score, you will be taken for transplant on a prior basis. Donated organs are offered first to recipients with high MELD scores.
4) Who are the Top Liver Transplant Surgeons in India?
Our Top 10 liver transplant surgeons in India are mentioned below with their detailed work. They hold the expertise in liver related diseases and GI surgeries.

Dr Ravi Mohanka – Top Liver Transplant Surgeon in India
Education: MBBS, MS, DNB (Gen Surgery), ASTS Fellowship (Liver Transplant), Training (Regenerative Medicine)
Hospital: Global Hospital, Mumbai
Experience: 27 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Vivek Vij – Best Liver Transplant Surgeons in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB – General Surgery
Hospital: Fortis Hospital, Noida
Experience: 24 Years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Doctor

Dr. Subhash Gupta – Top Liver Transplant Doctor in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, FRCS – General Surgery (Upper GI)
Hospital: Max Healthcare Hospital, Delhi
Experience: 33 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant and Biliary Surgeon

Dr. Amit Nath Rastogi – Best Liver Transplant Doctors in India
Education: D.N.B. (General Surgery), M.B.B.S., M.S. (General Surgery)
Hospital: Medanta Hospital, Delhi
Experience: 23 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Specialist

Dr. Shailendra Lalwani – Top Expert Liver Transplant in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB – Surgical Gastroenterology
Hospital: Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
Experience: 21 years
Specialty: Liver Transplantation And Hepato-Pancraetic Biliary Surgery

Dr. Mahesh Gopashetty – Top Surgeon for Liver Transplant in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, FRCS – General Surgery
Hospital: Fortis Hospital, Bangalore
Experience: 14 years
Specialty: HPB Liver Transplant Surgery India

Dr Swapnil Sharma – Top Liver Transplant Expert in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB – Surgical Gastroenterology
Hospital: Fortis Hospital, Mulund
Experience: 14 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Specialist, GI & HPB Surgeon

Dr. Ravishankar Bhat B – Best Surgeons for Liver Transplant Surgery in India
Education: MBBS, MCh – Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery
Hospital: Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore
Experience: 18 years
Specialty: HPB & Liver Transplant Surgery

Dr. Mohamed Rela – Leader in liver Transplant in India
Education: MS, FRCS, DSc
Hospital: Rela Institute & Medical Centre, Chennai
Experience: 30 years
Specialty: Leader in Liver Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Anand Khakhar – Top Liver Transplant Specialist in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery, DNB – Urology/Genito – Urinary Surgery
Hospital: Apollo Hospital Chennai
Experience: 24 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Expert

Dr Ramdip Ray – Famous Liver Transplant Surgeons in India
Education: MBBS, MS – General Surgery
Hospital: Artemis Hospital Gurgaon
Experience: 22 years
Specialty: Liver Transplant Expert

Dr. Arvinder Singh Soin – Famous Doctors for Liver Transplant India
Education: MBBS, FRCS – General Surgery
Hospital: Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
Experience: 33 years
Specialty: Expert Liver Transplant
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5) What routine investigations will be done before surgery?
The routine investigation can include-
- Review of your medical history
- Blood test
- Liver and kidney function tests
- Imaging techniques like CT /MRI of abdomen/ ultra sound abdomen which will reveal exact condition of hepatocytes before surgery.
- Electrocardiogram/chest X-ray
- Mammogram or pap smear for women
- Other testing and blood work
6) What questions should I ask Surgeon before the surgery?
Before the liver transplant surgery, you can ask your surgeon the following questions that will help you to get clear with the process and after results.
- Ask about medical fitness for the surgical procedure and anesthesia which will be given before the surgery?
- How long you will have to stay at hospital?
- How would be your regime after surgery?
- How long you have to continue your medications?
- How frequently you have to visit for a routine checkup?
- How would be my life after the transplantation?
7) How is the Liver Transplant Surgery Performed?
The liver transplant surgery is performed under general anesthesia, an incision is taken over your abdomen at the site of liver, different surgeon may attempt different approach for incision.
The deceased liver is removed and a healthy liver received from the donor is replaced. Several tubes like breathing tube, a catheter to drain urine from bladder, intravenous lines to provide medications and fluid to your body will be placed to help carry out functions of body during the operation and for the few days after the operation. The wound is then closed in layers. This procedure may require an approx. duration of six to 12 hours.
8) What are the Complications that may be Noticed after Surgery?
After your liver transplant surgery, the length of hospitalization will depend on the complication or circumstances that may arise. The rejection can be noticed after the routine blood test. Their may be some symptoms that each individual can experience differently, some of them are-
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Fever
- Nausea
- Dark colored urine
Best Liver Transplant Surgeons in India will take the necessary action if found any noticeable symptoms. The rejection occurs in up to 10% of transplant and acute liver rejection will be treated by your surgeon.
9) How is the life after Liver Transplant Surgery?
People after successful liver transplant surgery usually return to normal routine life in 6-12 months. You have to frequently visit for your medical follow-up from the transplant team that is essential for the first year of surgery. You have to take proper care of yourself by-
- Getting the proper care and keeping all the medical appointments.
- Taking the medications as prescribed by the surgeon.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Exercise
- Do not drink or smoke
If you find any complication, consult your surgeon and get the appointment as soon as possible.
10) What are the facilities provided by Forerunners Healthcare Consultant?
Liver transplant Surgery in India is a successful life-saving procedure with irreversible liver disease. And Forerunners Healthcare is a medical tourism that provides the best surgical care from Top liver transplant surgeon in India. They even provide you with the facilities like-
- The world’s highest standards of clinical care and surgery
- Quick medical visa facilities
- Safe and comfortable accommodation
- Modernized medical infrastructure
- Trained and Experienced staff
- Fully Equipped Hospitals with Technologies and safety
- 24*7 Nursing Care
- Zero Waiting Time for Surgery
- Highly affordable treatment cost