Consult Forerunners Healthcare for Cheapest Bariatric Treatment in India : Find A better Solution 2025

By | May 10, 2016


Bariatric Surgery

With every passing day the problem of obesity is turning as an epidemic not just in developed nations but also in the third world.  Though earlier many called it as a sign of prosperity but it is no more a sign of development. Now, with obesity one can find a number of health issues like high BP, Type II diabetes and even ailment of heart and the lit goes on. The extra amount of fats found in your body can be troublesome making thing bad to worse. Though one can find solutions for this problem with nonsurgical options like diet and exercises but when nothing works, you just have one choice in the form of bariatric surgery. India has entered into healthcare the right time attracting global patients for the high quality healthcare services at much affordable cost. For planning the affordable and high quality bariatric surgery in India, you need one competent health group like Forerunners Healthcare company that help in making things better and smarter.

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is nothing but weight loss surgery, which work in different ways to reduce the weight of a person undergoing the same. There are different approaches to the surgery, which makes the procedure into different types. With high quality and Cheapest Bariatric Treatment in India found in the form of surgery, one can easily get rid of the obesity and thus avert all health issues once for all. There are different types of surgeries when it comes to bariatric surgery, which we would be going through in this post.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

bariatric types

The bariatric surgery is of different types, one of the common types is as under:

  • Stomach Bypass: This bariatric surgery simply helps in reducing food intake, with removing some amount of your stomach. This further reduces the hunger hormone called ghrelin thus reducing the intake of food. In this way, the extra weight is addressed and you end up reducing the weight seeking Cheapest Bariatric Treatment in India
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: This is among the common and cheapest bariatric treatment in India that helps in reducing the overweight. This procedure helps in removing around 80 percent of your stomach from the body, while the remaining stomach known as tubular pouch is seen resembling like a banana. This surgical procedure using the approach of laparoscopic method that helps in making the stomach flat seeking the help of band reducing the food intake.
  • Gastric Bypass Surgery: This cheapest bariatric treatment in India is also known as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, which is carried out by restricting the food intake and hence bypass a small amount of segment of the small intestine. This surgical procedure gives a significant amount of weight loss tolling up to 70 to 80 %.
  • Adjustable Gastric Banding: This cheapest bariatric treatment in India is also known as Lap-Band, which involves of placing an inflatable band at certain areas of our stomach that help in making a small stomach pouch and thus reduce the weight to a sufficient amount. This simply helps in reducing the food intake in your stomach, which allows the weight loss. In this surgical procedure one can reap a number of benefits, which include effective result and it doesn’t need to slash down the intestine, and so the patients can enjoy lesser hospital stay, and lastly this surgical procedure is reversible as well.

Final Word

The Bariatric surgery in India promises a number of benefits, which include helping to get rid of the obesity. These are backed with one of the best surgeons and world class hospitals in India. However, you can reap all these benefits only when you are considering competitive health groups like Forerunners Healthcare Group, which make things better for one and all.